Sunday, July 8, 2007

Jolliffe Rib Cook Out

Last Sunday, at a special request, my sister Lori and brother-in-law John had a rib cook out for David and I. When we were waiting for our amnio results to come back, I said to my sister...
"When we get the good news, you and John need to make your awesome ribs!". (How random is that?) I am not a rib eater by any stretch of the imagination. However, Lori and John make this kick @ss recipe that tastes so good and the ribs just fall off the bone. I like ribs maybe once every three or four years, if that. I think there is something weird about eating meat off a bone. Especially ribs. Very caveman like. Kind of freaky.

Anyhow, there has been a Longhorn (I think) commercial on lately where the guy is eating ribs and the wife says he's manly until some foofy drink is delivered to the table. Ever since then, I had a taste for John's ribs. I don't know how anyone could eat ribs in a restaurant. There is nothing delicate about eating them, no matter how hard you try.

So, the Jolliffe's made the ribs....which my mom drove all the way out to Vermillion to buy. She has a special place she gets them at. Then to top it off, my mom made potato salad and even kept a small bowl of it onion free (I don't like onions). If that's not love, I don't know what is!

With the exception of Chris (in FL) and Tasha (in CA), the whole Sherman clan was there and we had a great time.

Lori also ordered a cake from Giant Eagle (my favorite) that was too cute with pink booties and put a sweet little bear with it. Sarah Sherman wrote a beautiful letter to David and I telling us how excited she is and even gave us our FIRST diaper ... on her.

I've added some pictures below of the cake and the kids. I was a little lazy because I don't have that many pictures, and none of the boys. Leah would not pose for any either :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Ultrasound Pictures from Week 19

These pictures were taken on June 20th at our first ultrasound appointment. We're having our second ultrasound on July 10th and will hopefully receive some more pictures.

Her Little Footie!

This one is a little freaky. She looks like Skelator!

This one is our favorite and we have it framed!

Another might not be able to see it,
but it looks like she's sucking her thumb!

Final profile picture...She's a cutie!

21 Weeks Today!

Wow. 21 Weeks :) Holy cow. Last week we crossed the half-way mark, and now only 19-weeks until we meet our little girl. Yesterday we received the final results of the amnio and everything is still great. Our doctor confirmed (again) that we're having a girl. Apparently this comes back in the amnio results too. We have a regular appointment tomorrow with Dr. David. Should be pretty basic and not too exciting.

My belly is definitely growing. As exciting as this is, not fitting in my clothes can be very frustrating and cause for minor emotional meltdowns. I feel like the extra weight is going to my legs and sides and not my belly.

This week she is 10.5 inches and weighs 3/4 of a pound. No fruit comparison again this week!

So last Sunday, I went to Pottery Barn Kids to look around and get some ideas. I found the following two sets on sale and couldn't decide between them so I bought them both. I think we're leaning towards the purple set....but we're still deciding.

Our bathroom is coming a long. Still slower then I would prefer, but I'm hoping by the end of next week, everything will be done. The goal is to finish the bathroom and move the spare bedroom furniture over to my in-laws so we can paint the nursery and get the baby furniture over by the end of July. We'll see if that comes together or not.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!
