Sunday, April 15, 2007


This weekend went by WAY TOO FAST. We didn't even do that much. David was busier then I was because he went up to Hillcrest Friday and Saturday to visit Jodi and Noah. Poor Noah had Rotovirus and had to stay over two nights. At least he gets to come home today.

Noelle came to visit last night while Mark went to visit Jodi. Mark made the mistake of telling David that they had McDonald's. So, we had McDonald's for dinner tonight. I don't know why, but that's just gross. It tasted good going down, but then it's like a big grease pit in your stomach. Ugh. At least we only eat McDonald's a few times a year.

I have made my first attempts at researching daycare providers. When I went to, over 500+ listings came back. So, we'll have to seek out some referrals :) I'm going to make appointments at two places tomorrow. Willoughby Hills Friends Church and KinderCare. So far, I've heard great things about both, and both take infants.

David took all the wallpaper down in the bathroom lastnight and today! I'll miss the yellow and gray flowers. This week, he'll start tearing down the tile. Woo-Hoo! Hopefully we'll hear back from Ricky on a quote and can get started.

I need to start with the upstairs bedroom. Not sure where to start yet....but I've got to get a jump on it. I need to take advantage of the fact that I feel great and have energy. I think the tired phase has passed. Either that or I'm sleeping better. This week, we have NO plans, so I'll start Monday with just making a list. I'm sure I'll need to toss a lot :)

OK. We'll it's 7pm and 60-minutes just started. Need to go snuggle on the couch.

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