Monday, June 25, 2007

Best Day of Our Lives

I think today ranks number one for David and I. We were thrilled to find out this afternoon that all of the preliminary test results came back normal with zero indications of a chromosomal disorder or spinabifida. The amnio is 100% accurate.

When Dr. Jassani called, I was in a meeting and excused myself. I was terrified. She gave me the good news and then told me to schedule a follow-up ultrasound appointment in two weeks. They want to take additional measurements to see how the femur is doing. Last Wednesday, one of the indicators that the doctors were concerned about is that the femur bones were measuring two weeks behind the rest of the body measurements. With our amnio results, this is really nothing to worry about and might just indicate that our baby girl won't have super long legs, but doesn't mean she'll be super short either.

I immediately called David to tell him. He asked me if I was sure that I heard her correctly because she has a thick accent. I told him I was positive, but then proceeded to hang up with him and call the doctor back asking her to tell me one more time. Fortunately, she was still next to the phone and re-confirmed the good results.

From there, we called our families to share the good news. A few of my siblings had some expletives for Dr. Jassani since she freaked us out so badly. David and I are not mad. Just grateful for the confirmation today. I'm convinced that even if she was God telling us about our ultrasound last Wednesday, we would have still thought she was the Devil.

Now we're looking forward to an ultrasound that we can *hopefully* enjoy.

This was just the best day! I don't think we've stopped smiling!

Thank you to everyone who passed along your kind words, encouragement and prayers. We are so grateful for all of the support.

With Love,
Susie & David

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